Showing posts with label insurance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label insurance. Show all posts

Tuesday, 9 August 2016



सरेंडर राशी प्राप्त करने का सहमति पत्र

  मै _______________________________ निवासी _______,_______________            धारक PLI / RPLI पालिसी क्र: ________________ बीमा राशी _______ परिपक्वता  दिनांक ____/___/_____  यह अवगत कराता हूँ कि मुझे श्री_________________________पदनाम एवं कार्यालय ___________________ ने राशी _________ का इस पालिसी पर लोन मिल सकने के बारे में अवगत करा दिया है, और इस बात से भी अवगत करा दिया गया है कि अगर मै सरेंडर के बजाय लोन लेता हूँ तो मेरा रू ___________ की राशी का बीमा कवर बना रहेगा | फिर भी मै इस पालिसी को सरेंडर करना चाहता हूँ, एवं सरेंडर पर मिलने वाली राशी रू ___________ को स्वीकार्य करने की सहमति देता हूँ |

                                            धारक के हस्ताक्षर
       नाम :-
           पालिसी क्र :-
      पता :-
            मोबाइल नो :-
स्थान  :-
दिनांक :-

Sunday, 24 July 2016


Postal Life Insurance (PLI) was introduced on 1st February 1884 with the express approval of the Secretary of State (for India) to Her Majesty, the Queen Empress of India. It was essentially a scheme of State Insurance mooted by the then Director General of Post Offices, Mr. F.R. Hogg in 1881 as  a welfare scheme for the benefit of Postal employees and later extended to the employees of Telegraph department in 1888. In 1894, PLI extended insurance cover to female employees of P & T Department at a time when no other insurance company covered female lives. It is the oldest Life insurer in this country.

In the beginning, the upper limit of life insurance was only Rs 4000/- which has now increased to Rs 50 lacs (Rupees Fifty Lacs) and it will be effective as and when notified through a Gazette notification for all schemes combined - Endowment Assurance and Whole Life Assurance. Over the years, PLI has grown substantially from a few hundred policies in 1884 to more than 6.4 millions policies as on 31.03.2015. It now covers employees of Central and State Governments, Central and State Public Sector Undertakings, Universities, Government aided Educational institutions, Nationalized Banks, Local bodies, autonomous bodies, joint ventures having a minimum of 10% Govt./PSU stake, credit co-operative societies etc. PLI also extends the facility of insurance to the   officers and staff of the Defence services and Para-Military forces. Apart from single insurance policies, Postal Life Insurance also manages a Group Insurance scheme for the Extra Departmental Employees (Gramin Dak Sevaks) of the Department of Posts.
PLI is an exempted insurer under Section 118 (c) of the Insurance Act of 1938. It is also exempted under Section 44 (d) of LIC Act, 1956.

Insurance plans

PLI offers 6 (Six) types of plans:
  1. Whole Life Assurance  (SURAKSHA)
  2. Convertible Whole Life Assurance (SUVIDHA)
  3. Endowment Assurance  (SANTOSH)
  4. Anticipated Endowment Assurance  (SUMANGAL)
  5. Joint Life Assurance  (YUGAL SURAKSHA)
  6. Children Policy(BAL JEEVAN BIMA)
This is a scheme where the assured amount with accrued bonus is payable to the assignee, nominee or the legal heir after death of the insurant or to the insurant himself/herself after attaining the age of 80 years. Minimum Age at entry is 19 years and the maximum Age at entry is 55 years. The minimum Sum Assured is Rs 20,000 and the maximum Sum Assured is Rs 50 lacs. The policy can be converted into an Endowment Assurance Policy after completion of one year and before 57 years of age of the insurant. Loan facility is available after completion of four years and policy can also be surrendered after completion of three years. The policy is not eligible for bonus if surrendered or assigned for loan before completion of 5 years. Proportionate bonus on the reduced sum assured is accrued if the policy is surrendered or assigned for loan.
Under this scheme, the proponent is given an assurance to the extent of the Sum Assured and accrued bonus till he/she attains the pre-determined age of maturity. In case of unexpected death of the insurant, the assignee, nominee or the legal heir is paid the full Sum Assured together with the accrued bonus. The minimum age at entry is 19 years and the maximum Age at entry is 55 years. The minimum Sum Assured is Rs 20,000 and the maximum Sum Assured is Rs 50 lacs. Loan facility is available and policy can also be surrendered after completion of three years. The policy is not eligible for bonus if surrendered  or assigned for loan before completion of 5 years. Proportionate bonus on the reduced sum assured is accrued if the policy is surrendered or assigned for loan.
The features of this scheme are more or less same as Endowment assurance. Policy can be converted into Endowment Assurance after five years. Age on the date of conversion must not exceed 55 years. If option for conversion is not exercised within 6 years, the policy will be treated as Whole Life Assurance. Loan facility is available. The policy can also be surrendered after completion of three years. The policy is not eligible for bonus if surrendered  or assigned for loan before completion of 5 years. Proportionate bonus on the reduced sum assured is accrued if the policy is surrendered or assigned for loan. The policy is not eligible for bonus if surrendered or assigned for loan before completion of 5 years. Proportionate bonus on the reduced sum assured is accrued if the policy is surrendered or assigned for loan.
It is a Money Back Policy with maximum Sum Assured of Rs 50 lacs.  Best suited to those who need periodical returns. Survival benefit is paid to the insurant periodically. Two types of policies  are available - 15 years term and 20 years term. For the 15 years term policy, the benefits are paid after 6 years (20%), 9 years (20%), 12 years (20%) and 15 years (40% and the accrued bonus). For the 20 years term policy, the benefits are paid after 8 years (20%), 12 years (20%), 16 years (20%) and 20 years (40% and the accrued bonus).Such payments will not be taken into consideration in the event of unexpected death of the insurant and the full sum assured with accrued bonus is payable to the assignee or legal heir.

 It is a joint-life Endowment Assurance in which one of the spouses should be eligible for PLI policies. Life insurance coverage is provided to both the spouses to the extent of sum assured with accrued bonus with only one premium. All other features are same as an Endowment policy. 
            All the above schemes have compulsory medical examination. For the non-medical policy of any category (except AEA and Joint Life Assurance for which Medical Examination is compulsory), the maximum Sum Assured is Rs 1 lac.

 Any person who is eligible to the benefit of Post Office Life Insurance Fund under Rule 6, may effect an insurance-Whole Life Assurance, Endowment Assurance, Convertible Whole Assurance, Anticipated Endowment Assurance and Yugal Suraksha Policy or all of them on his life for a sum not less than Rs. 20,000 in each class but not more than an aggregate of Rs. Fifty Lac  (Rs. 50,00,000/-) in respect of one class/all classes of insurance policy (s) taken together. The value of policy shall be taken in multiples of Rs. 10,000/- after minimum limit of Rs.20,000/- i.e. Rs. 20,000/-, Rs.30,000/-,Rs. 50,000/- and so on.

            The Department has introduced Children Policy under PLI/RPLI, with effect form 20th Jan 2006. The salient features of this scheme are as under:-
  • The Scheme is envisaged to provide Insurance cover to the children of PLI/RPLI policy holders.
  • Maximum two children in family will be eligible to take children policy.
  • Children between the age of 5 and 20 years are eligible and maximum sum assured is Rs 3 lakh or equivalent to the sum assured of the main policy holder which ever is less.
  • The main policy holder should not have attained the age of 45 years.
  • No premium is required to be paid on the children policy on the death of the main policy holder and full sum assured with the accrued bonus shall be paid to the child after the completion of the term of the children policy. On the death of the child/children, full sum assured with the accrued bonus shall be payable to the main policy holder.
  • Main policy holder shall be responsible for payments for the Children Policy. No loan shall be admissible on Children Policy. However, the policy shall have facility for making it paid up provided the premia are paid continuously for 5 years.
  • No Medical examination of the Child is necessary. However, the child should be healthy on the day of proposal and the risk shall start from the date of acceptance of proposal.
  • The policy shall attract bonus at the rate applicable to Endowment Policy. The POIF Rules amended from time to time shall be applicable to Children Policy


PLI is the only insurer in the Indian Life Insurance market today, which gives the highest return (bonus) with the lowest premium charged for any product in the market.
A PLI/RPLI policy holder also gets following facilities :
  • Change of nomination.
  • The insurant can take loan by pledging his/her policy to Heads of the Circle/Region on behalf of President of India, provided the policy has completed 3 years in case of Endowment Assurance and 4 years in case of Whole Life Assurance. The facility of assignment is also available.
  • Assignment of Policy to any Financial Institution for taking loan.
  • Revival of his/her lapsed policy. Policy lapses after 6 unpaid premiums if it remained in force for less than 3 years and after 12 unpaid premiums if it remained in force for more than 3 years.
  • Issue of Duplicate Policy Bond in case of the original Policy Bond is lost, burnt/torn/mutilation.
  • Conversion from Whole Life Assurance to Endowment Assurance and from Endowment Assurance to other Endowment Assurance as per rules.


Who are eligible for obtaining a PLI policy?
Employees  of the following Organizations are eligible.
  • Central Government
  • Defence Services
  • Para Military forces
  • State Government
  • Local Bodies
  • Government-aided Educational Institutions
  • Reserve Bank of India
  • Public Sector Undertakings
  • Financial Institutions
  • Nationalized Banks
  • Autonomous Bodies
  • Extra Departmental Agents in Department of Posts
  • Employees Engaged/ Appointed an Contract basis by central/ State Government where the contract is extendable
  • Employees of all scheduled Commercial Banks
  • Employees of Credit Co-operative Societies and other Co-operative Societies registered with Government under the Co-operative Societies Act and partly or fully funded from the Central/ State Government/RBI/ SBI/ Nationalized Banks/ NABARD and other such institutions notified by Government
  • Employees of deemed Universities an educational institutes accredited by recognized bodies such a National Assessment and Accreditation council, All India Council of Technical Education,Medical council of india etc
PLI Citizen Charter:-
Issue of acceptance letter
15 days
Issue of policy bonds
15 days
Inter-Circle transfer of policies
10 days
Settlement of claims on maturity
30 days
Settlement of claims on death with nomination
30 days
Settlement of death claim involving investigation
90 days
Payment of paid-up value
30 days
Loan for policies
10 days
Changes of address
10 days
Change of nomination
10 days
10 days
Issue of duplicate policy document
10 days
Revival of policy
15 days
Conversion of policy
15 days